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mostrar una confianza absoluta

English translation of mostrar una confianza absoluta

show absolute confidence

The given Spanish phrase 'mostrar una confianza absoluta' translates to 'show absolute confidence' in English. The phrase is used to convey the idea of demonstrating complete certainty or belief either in oneself or in a given situation or entity. The usage is fairly common in both written and spoken Spanish.

Example sentences using: mostrar una confianza absoluta

Para ganar el juego, debes mostrar una confianza absoluta en tus habilidades.

English translation of Para ganar el juego, debes mostrar una confianza absoluta en tus habilidades.

To win the game, you must show absolute confidence in your abilities.

This sentence emphasizes the necessity of having complete confidence in one's skills in order to be victorious in a game.

Los líderes suelen mostrar una confianza absoluta en sus decisiones.

English translation of Los líderes suelen mostrar una confianza absoluta en sus decisiones.

Leaders often show absolute confidence in their decisions.

This sentence illustrates the typical characteristic of leaders – their utter confidence in the decisions they make.

Las empresas exitosas deben mostrar una confianza absoluta en sus productos.

English translation of Las empresas exitosas deben mostrar una confianza absoluta en sus productos.

Successful companies must show absolute confidence in their products.

This sentence communicates that for a company to be successful, they must display unswerving confidence in the quality and reliability of their own products.

Al dar un discurso, es esencial mostrar una confianza absoluta en lo que estás diciendo.

English translation of Al dar un discurso, es esencial mostrar una confianza absoluta en lo que estás diciendo.

When giving a speech, it is essential to show absolute confidence in what you are saying.

This sentence provides advice for public speaking - it is necessary to display complete faith in the content of your speech.

Para superar tus miedos, debes mostrar una confianza absoluta en ti mismo.

English translation of Para superar tus miedos, debes mostrar una confianza absoluta en ti mismo.

To overcome your fears, you must show absolute confidence in yourself.

This sentence gives guidance on overcoming fear - displaying an unwavering confidence in oneself is crucial.

Los atletas necesitan mostrar una confianza absoluta en sus capacidades físicas.

English translation of Los atletas necesitan mostrar una confianza absoluta en sus capacidades físicas.

Athletes need to show absolute confidence in their physical abilities.

The sentence states that athletes must have unquestionable confidence in their physical capabilities to achieve success.

En el mundo del arte, debes mostrar una confianza absoluta en tu visión creativa.

English translation of En el mundo del arte, debes mostrar una confianza absoluta en tu visión creativa.

In the art world, you must show absolute confidence in your creative vision.

This sentence asserts the importance of unwavering confidence in one's creative vision in the field of arts.

Todo estudiante debe mostrar una confianza absoluta en su capacidad para aprender.

English translation of Todo estudiante debe mostrar una confianza absoluta en su capacidad para aprender.

Every student must show absolute confidence in his ability to learn.

This sentence emphasises the importance of every student having complete confidence in their own ability to learn.

Las madres suelen mostrar una confianza absoluta en sus hijos.

English translation of Las madres suelen mostrar una confianza absoluta en sus hijos.

Mothers often show absolute confidence in their children.

This sentence speaks to the unwavering confidence that mothers typically have in the abilities of their children.

English translation of Los abogados deben mostrar una confianza absoluta en sus argumentos legales.

Lawyers must show absolute confidence in their legal arguments.

This sentence states that lawyers must exhibit an unshakeable confidence in the strength and validity of their legal arguments.

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