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mostrar una actitud injusto

English translation of mostrar una actitud injusto

show an unfair attitude

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una actitud injusto' translates to 'show an unfair attitude' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts where someone is perceived to be demonstrating an attitude or behavior that is considered to be unjust, discriminatory, or biased. The phrase expresses a kind of condemnation or disapproval of such behavior or attitude.

Example sentences using: mostrar una actitud injusto

Es importante mostrar una actitud injusto en esta situación.

English translation of Es importante mostrar una actitud injusto en esta situación.

It is important to show an unfair attitude in this situation.

This sentence demonstrates the phrase being used in a suggestive context, indicating it's important to demonstrate an unequal stance.

Ana empezó a mostrar una actitud injusto después del incidente.

English translation of Ana empezó a mostrar una actitud injusto después del incidente.

Ana began to show an unfair attitude after the incident.

This sentence uses the phrase to describe a change in someone's behavior following a certain event.

Para mostrar una actitud injusto, debes dar preferencia a uno sobre otro.

English translation of Para mostrar una actitud injusto, debes dar preferencia a uno sobre otro.

To show an unfair attitude, you must prefer one over another.

This sentence explains how to demonstrate an unfair attitude, providing practical advice.

Mostrar una actitud injusto es una forma de maltrato.

English translation of Mostrar una actitud injusto es una forma de maltrato.

Showing an unfair attitude is a form of mistreatment.

This sentence uses the phrase to define a specific type of behavior, in this case, mistreatment.

Los jefes no deben mostrar una actitud injusto hacia sus empleados.

English translation of Los jefes no deben mostrar una actitud injusto hacia sus empleados.

Bosses should not show an unfair attitude towards their employees.

This sentence gives advice about how people in positions of power should behave towards their subordinates.

Él tiende a mostrar una actitud injusto cuando está estresado.

English translation of Él tiende a mostrar una actitud injusto cuando está estresado.

He tends to show an unfair attitude when he's stressed.

This sentence explains a personal trait of someone characterized by how they act under certain circumstances, in this case, stress.

Mostrar una actitud injusto puede resultar en consecuencias negativas.

English translation of Mostrar una actitud injusto puede resultar en consecuencias negativas.

Showing an unfair attitude can result in negative consequences.

This sentence warns of the potential negative outcomes of showing an unfair attitude.

En la cultura de nuestra empresa, no se permite mostrar una actitud injusto.

English translation of En la cultura de nuestra empresa, no se permite mostrar una actitud injusto.

In our company culture, it is not allowed to show an unfair attitude.

This sentence applies the phrase to a specific context, in this case, a company culture, showing organizational rules.

Si sigues mostrando una actitud injusto, tendré que reportarlo.

English translation of Si sigues mostrando una actitud injusto, tendré que reportarlo.

If you continue showing an unfair attitude, I will have to report it.

This sentence demonstrates the phrase as part of a conditional sentence, showing potential actions based on someone else’s conduct.

No puedes mostrar una actitud injusto hacia los demás.

English translation of No puedes mostrar una actitud injusto hacia los demás.

You cannot show an unfair attitude towards others.

This sentence is commanding someone not to be unfair to others, using the phrase in a prohibitive way.

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