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mostrar un comportamiento injusto

English translation of mostrar un comportamiento injusto

showing unfair behaviour

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar un comportamiento injusto' translates to 'showing unfair behaviour' in English. It is used to describe a situation or an act that is not justified or not done in a fair and decent manner. This can involve actions that are perceived as not right or not conforming to the fundamental standards of fairness or justice in a given context. It is often used in the analysis of behaviours in social, personal, or professional situations.

Example sentences using: mostrar un comportamiento injusto

Es terrible que su jefe suele mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia ella.

English translation of Es terrible que su jefe suele mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia ella.

It is terrible that her boss often shows an unfair behavior towards her.

In this phrase, we are illustrating a situation where a woman's boss exhibits unfair behavior towards her.

A veces, los niños pequeños pueden mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia sus hermanos.

English translation of A veces, los niños pequeños pueden mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia sus hermanos.

Sometimes, small children can show unfair behavior towards their siblings.

Here we're describing a common situation where a young child may act unfairly towards their siblings.

El profesor parecía mostrar un comportamiento injusto durante la prueba.

English translation of El profesor parecía mostrar un comportamiento injusto durante la prueba.

The teacher seemed to show unfair behaviour during the test.

This sentence hypothetically suggests that a teacher might behave unfairly during a test.

No deberías mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia tus amigos.

English translation of No deberías mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia tus amigos.

You should not show unfair behaviour towards your friends.

This suggestion points out that it's not right to behave unfairly towards one's friends.

Los gobiernos deben evitar mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia sus ciudadanos.

English translation of Los gobiernos deben evitar mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia sus ciudadanos.

Governments should avoid showing unfair behaviour towards their citizens.

This statement emphasizes that governments should not treat their citizens unfairly.

Algunas personas pueden mostrar un comportamiento injusto sin darse cuenta.

English translation of Algunas personas pueden mostrar un comportamiento injusto sin darse cuenta.

Some people may show unfair behaviour without realizing it.

This sentence indicates that some people might behave unfairly without being aware of it.

El entrenador no debe mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia ningún jugador.

English translation of El entrenador no debe mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia ningún jugador.

The coach should not show unfair behaviour towards any player.

This sentence states that a coach should not treat any player unfairly.

Los compañeros de trabajo tienden a mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia él.

English translation of Los compañeros de trabajo tienden a mostrar un comportamiento injusto hacia él.

Co-workers tend to show unfair behaviour towards him.

This phrase depicts a situation where a group of co-workers treat a person unfairly.

Podría ser difícil notar cuando alguien empieza a mostrar un comportamiento injusto.

English translation of Podría ser difícil notar cuando alguien empieza a mostrar un comportamiento injusto.

It could be difficult to notice when someone starts to show unfair behaviour.

This sentence suggests that it might be hard to realize when someone begins to behave unfairly.

Es normal mostrar un comportamiento injusto cuando estamos enojados.

English translation of Es normal mostrar un comportamiento injusto cuando estamos enojados.

It is normal to show unfair behaviour when we are angry.

This phrase emphasizes that it is common for people to behave unfairly when they are angry.

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