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mobiliario urbano

English translation of mobiliario urbano

urban furniture

The term 'mobiliario urbano' refers to the public installations and fixtures found in urban settings that are used by large numbers of people. Broadly speaking, these include different types of seating, waste bins, lighting fixtures, public restrooms, water fountains, mailboxes, signage, and more. This term also applies to outdoor artistic installations such as murals and sculptures. 'Mobiliario urbano' primarily exists for the benefit, convenience, and aesthetics of both residents and tourists in a city or town.

Example sentences using: mobiliario urbano

La falta de mobiliario urbano en algunos lugares es notable.

English translation of La falta de mobiliario urbano en algunos lugares es notable.

The lack of urban furniture in some places is noticeable.

In this sentence, the speaker is noting a significant absence of public amenities in certain areas.

El mobiliario urbano en esta ciudad es antiguo.

English translation of El mobiliario urbano en esta ciudad es antiguo.

The urban furniture in this city is old.

This sentence refers to the all the fixtures such as benches, bus stops, trash cans etc. in the city that are outdated or in a poor state.

Deberían considerar renovar el mobiliario urbano en nuestra área.

English translation of Deberían considerar renovar el mobiliario urbano en nuestra área.

They should consider renewing the urban furniture in our area.

The speaker suggests a need for upgrading the street fixtures in the area where they live.

El diseño del mobiliario urbano puede influir en el aspecto de una ciudad.

English translation of El diseño del mobiliario urbano puede influir en el aspecto de una ciudad.

The design of urban furniture can influence the look of a city.

This suggests that the aesthetic and functional design of public amenities can contribute to the overall perception of a city.

El mobiliario urbano es vital para la funcionalidad y estética de un espacio público.

English translation of El mobiliario urbano es vital para la funcionalidad y estética de un espacio público.

Urban furniture is vital for the functionality and aesthetics of a public space.

The statement emphasizes the importance of street furnishing in making a public space practical and visually pleasing.

El mobiliario urbano debe ser mantenimiento regularmente.

English translation of El mobiliario urbano debe ser mantenimiento regularmente.

Urban furniture should be maintained regularly.

In this sentence, the speaker is highlighting the need for consistent upkeep of public amenities to ensure quality and longevity.

El buen uso del mobiliario urbano es una responsabilidad ciudadana.

English translation of El buen uso del mobiliario urbano es una responsabilidad ciudadana.

Good use of urban furniture is a civic responsibility.

This sentence underscores the duties of citizens in respecting and taking care of public amenities.

La inversión en mobiliario urbano es esencial para el desarrollo de las ciudades.

English translation of La inversión en mobiliario urbano es esencial para el desarrollo de las ciudades.

Investment in urban furniture is essential for the development of cities.

The statement stresses the economic aspect, where investing in public fixtures is a key part of a city's growth and development.

El mobiliario urbano en la plaza central necesita una actualización.

English translation of El mobiliario urbano en la plaza central necesita una actualización.

The urban furniture in the central square needs an update.

The person speaking in this sentence is calling attention to the outdated or run-down state of fixtures in a specific location, the central square.

El mobiliario urbano de calidad mejora la vida de los ciudadanos.

English translation of El mobiliario urbano de calidad mejora la vida de los ciudadanos.

Quality urban furniture improves the lives of citizens.

The sentence signifies the connection between the quality of street fixtures and the quality of life of people living in the city.

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