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English translation of mitad


The Spanish word 'mitad' translates to 'half' in English. It is commonly used in both languages to refer to 50% of a particular thing or quantity. It can be used contextually in phrases regarding divisions or fractions. For instance, one can say 'mitad de una manzana' which translates to 'half of an apple'. It is used exactly as 'half' is used in English.

Example sentences using: mitad

Esta manzana está cortada a la mitad.

English translation of Esta manzana está cortada a la mitad.

This apple is cut in half.

This sentence uses the word 'mitad' (half) to describe that an apple has been divided into two equal parts. The phrase 'cortada a la mitad' (cut in half) is used to discuss objects that have been evenly divided.

Estoy a mitad de camino.

English translation of Estoy a mitad de camino.

I'm halfway there.

'Mitad de camino' is a Spanish phrase that means you have completed half of the journey or task. In this context, 'mitad' can be understood to mean half of a distance or period of time.

La mitad de las naranjas son dulces.

English translation of La mitad de las naranjas son dulces.

Half of the oranges are sweet.

In this sentence, 'mitad' is used to express proportion. It shows that out of the total number of oranges, 50% of them are sweet.

Hemos terminado la mitad del trabajo.

English translation of Hemos terminado la mitad del trabajo.

We have finished half of the work.

This emphasizes that 'mitad' can also be used when referring to the completion of tasks. It denotes that out of the total work, 50% has been completed.

Juan tiene la mitad de mis libros.

English translation of Juan tiene la mitad de mis libros.

Juan has half of my books.

'La mitad de' is a phrase used to refer to possession. In this case, it indicates that Juan has 50% of the books that belong to the speaker.

Mi hermano es la mitad de mi edad.

English translation of Mi hermano es la mitad de mi edad.

My brother is half my age.

This sentence uses 'mitad' in relation to age, indicating that the brother's age is 50% of the speakers age.

La ciudad está a la mitad del mapa.

English translation of La ciudad está a la mitad del mapa.

The city is halfway down the map.

In this statement, 'mitad' is used to refer to a location. It implies that the city location lies halfway on the map.

Pedro tiene la mitad de la cantidad que Luis.

English translation of Pedro tiene la mitad de la cantidad que Luis.

Pedro has half the amount that Luis has.

In this sentence, 'mitad' is used to compare quantities between two people. It is stating that Pedro has 50% the number of items that Luis has.

El vaso está a la mitad.

English translation of El vaso está a la mitad.

The glass is half full.

Using 'mitad' in this context expresses that half of the glass is full with liquid. This phrase can also be used metaphorically to indicate a positive viewpoint or outlook in life.

La mitad de los asistentes no vino a la reunión.

English translation of La mitad de los asistentes no vino a la reunión.

Half of the attendees did not come to the meeting.

In this context, 'la mitad' is used to refer to a quantity of people. It means that, of the total planned attendees for a meeting, 50% didn't attend.