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English translation of misionero


The word 'misionero' in Spanish translates to 'missionary' in English. A 'missionary' is often associated with individuals of certain religious groups who travel to different parts of the world with the aim of spreading their faith or conducting humanitarian work. These individuals are often sent by a church or other religious organization to a foreign country with the aim of teaching their beliefs, providing aid, or otherwise serving the needs of the local population. The term can be applied to anyone who works to spread a set of beliefs or ideals, whether or not they are attached to an organized religion.

Example sentences using: misionero

El misionero compartió su fe en el pueblo.

English translation of El misionero compartió su fe en el pueblo.

The missionary shared his faith in the village.

This sentence demonstrates how the term 'misionero' (missionary) is commonly used to refer to someone who spreads religious beliefs. In this context, he is sharing his faith in a village.

El trabajo de un misionero puede ser muy desafiante.

English translation of El trabajo de un misionero puede ser muy desafiante.

The work of a missionary can be very challenging.

This sentence conveys the idea that the job of a 'misionero' (missionary) can be tough, which could include adapting to different cultures, climates, or dealing with hazards.

El misionero enseñó español a las personas del lugar.

English translation of El misionero enseñó español a las personas del lugar.

The missionary taught Spanish to the local people.

In this sentence, the 'misionero' (missionary) is also a teacher, highlighting the varied roles missionaries can have, not only spreading religious beliefs but also sharing knowledge and skills, in this case, teaching Spanish to the locals.