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minoría social

English translation of minoría social

social minority

The term 'minoría social' in Spanish translates to 'social minority' in English. A social minority is a group of people, within a given society, who are in a non-dominant position. This could refer to a group who are disadvantaged or less powerful due to factors like race, religion, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation. This term is used to denote such groups and is used in discussions related to social justice and equality.

Example sentences using: minoría social

La minoría social a menudo enfrenta situaciones de discriminación.

English translation of La minoría social a menudo enfrenta situaciones de discriminación.

The social minority often faces situations of discrimination.

This sentence uses the term 'minoría social' to refer to a segment of the population that is not in majority and often faces discrimination because of the differences that set them apart from the dominating social group.

Para conseguir igualdad, necesitamos entender los desafíos de cada minoría social.

English translation of Para conseguir igualdad, necesitamos entender los desafíos de cada minoría social.

To achieve equality, we need to understand the challenges of each social minority.

This phrase highlights the importance of understanding the challenges faced by different 'minorías sociales' or social minorities, so as to achieve equality in society.

Una minoría social no es necesariamente una minoría numérica.

English translation of Una minoría social no es necesariamente una minoría numérica.

A social minority isn't necessarily a numerical minority.

This statement professes a fundamental understanding of the term 'minoría social', asserting that a social minority is not always determined by the mere fact of being fewer in number, but could be due to several other factors such as lack of power, social status, etc.

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