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minoría religiosa

English translation of minoría religiosa

religious minority

The Spanish term 'minoría religiosa' translates to 'religious minority' in English. It represents a religious group that does not form the majority in a specific location or society. This term is often used within the sphere of socio-political and cultural discussions to highlight the diversity and inclusiveness of a community or country. In many places around the world, religious minorities are often granted specific rights and protections under the law to safeguard their freedom of belief and practice.

Example sentences using: minoría religiosa

La minoría religiosa fue objeto de discriminación.

English translation of La minoría religiosa fue objeto de discriminación.

The religious minority was subjected to discrimination.

The given sentence is talking about a situation where a religious minority has faced unequal treatment, which could be exclusion, restriction, harassment, or violence.

En este país, hay una minoría religiosa que practica el budismo.

English translation of En este país, hay una minoría religiosa que practica el budismo.

In this country, there is a religious minority who practices Buddhism.

This sentence refers to a situation where Buddhism is not the major religion in a specific country, but is still practiced by a smaller group of people, hence they are referred to as a 'religious minority'.

Los derechos de la minoría religiosa no deben ser ignorados.

English translation of Los derechos de la minoría religiosa no deben ser ignorados.

The rights of the religious minority should not be ignored.

This sentence is stating an assertion or principle that the rights of religious minorities, regardless of them being a smaller group in terms of religion, should be respected and not overlooked.

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