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minimizar un documento

English translation of minimizar un documento

minimize a document

The Spanish phrase 'minimizar un documento' translates to 'minimize a document' in English. This is a command given to reduce a window or file to its smallest size, usually depicted as a small icon, on a computer screen. It is mainly used in computing language. Consequently, this allows for multiple windows or files to be open at the same time, while only taking up a minimal amount of space on the screen.

Example sentences using: minimizar un documento

Por favor, podrías minimizar un documento en tu computadora?

English translation of Por favor, podrías minimizar un documento en tu computadora?

Could you please minimize a document on your computer?

This sentence is used when asking someone to reduce the size of the open document window on their computer's screen so that it remains open but does not take up the full screen space.

Estoy aprendiendo cómo minimizar un documento en mi clase de informática.

English translation of Estoy aprendiendo cómo minimizar un documento en mi clase de informática.

I am learning how to minimize a document in my computer class.

This statement is useful for when one is describing what they are learning, in this case, minimizing a document in a computer class. This phrase expresses ongoing action due to the verb 'estoy aprendiendo' that is being used.

Me resulta difícil minimizar un documento cuando tengo muchas pestañas abiertas.

English translation of Me resulta difícil minimizar un documento cuando tengo muchas pestañas abiertas.

I find it hard to minimize a document when I have many tabs open.

This example expresses a personal difficulty (me resulta difícil). It describes a scenario in which the speaker has multiple tabs or windows open on their computer, making navigating and minimizing a document a challenge.