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English translation of milagro


The word 'milagro' is used in the Spanish language to refer to an extraordinary event or phenomenon that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency. Similar to the English term 'miracle', 'milagro' is often used in religious contexts, or to describe situations where there is a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.

Example sentences using: milagro

Fue un milagro que sobrevivió al accidente.

English translation of Fue un milagro que sobrevivió al accidente.

It was a miracle that he survived the accident.

The word 'milagro' (miracle) emphasizes the unexpected or difficult-to-believe positive outcome of the accident survival in this sentence.

El nacimiento de mi hijo fue un milagro.

English translation of El nacimiento de mi hijo fue un milagro.

The birth of my son was a miracle.

This sentence is an expression of a profound emotional impact, considering the birth of the speaker's son a 'milagro' or miracle.

Creo en el milagro de la vida.

English translation of Creo en el milagro de la vida.

This phrase employs the word 'milagro' to express a deep appreciation or wonderment at the existence of life itself.


No esperes un milagro para aprobar el examen.

English translation of No esperes un milagro para aprobar el examen.

Don't expect a miracle to pass the exam.

The sentence uses 'milagro' as a narration device, suggesting that passing the exam is highly unlikely or requires extraordinary effort or luck.

Nos paramos en la frontera entre lo real y el milagro.

English translation of Nos paramos en la frontera entre lo real y el milagro.

We stand on the border between reality and the miracle.

In this context, 'milagro' is used metaphorically to delineate the boundary between what is feasible or real, and what seems unreasonable or miraculous.

El milagro está en los detalles pequeños de cada día.

English translation of El milagro está en los detalles pequeños de cada día.

The miracle lies in the small details of everyday.

'Milagro' is used here to show an appreciation for small everyday blessings or occurrences, suggesting they can be seen as miracles.

Quedarse embarazada después de tantos intentos fallidos parecia un milagro.

English translation of Quedarse embarazada después de tantos intentos fallidos parecia un milagro.

Getting pregnant after so many failed attempts seemed like a miracle.

Here, the use of 'milagro' highlights the unexpectedness of the pregnancy after repeated past failures.

Es un milagro que esté vivo después de todo lo que ha padecido.

English translation of Es un milagro que esté vivo después de todo lo que ha padecido.

It's a miracle that he is alive after all he has endured.

The term 'milagro' is used in this sentence to emphasize the severity of the hardships and the improbability of survival.

No necesitamos otro milagro, necesitamos un cambio.

English translation of No necesitamos otro milagro, necesitamos un cambio.

We don't need another miracle, we need a change.

In this phrase, 'milagro' is used to suggest that instead of relying on improbable solutions, what is needed is a definite change.

Vive cada día como si un milagro estuviera a punto de suceder.

English translation of Vive cada día como si un milagro estuviera a punto de suceder.

Live each day as if a miracle were about to happen.

This is an inspirational sentence employing 'milagro' to encourage an optimistic and hopeful way of living.

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