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meterse en la película

English translation of meterse en la película

Get in the movie

'Meterse en la película' is a Spanish phrase rather than a single word, often used in colloquial speech. It roughly translates to 'get in the movie' in English, but it doesn't mean literally entering into a film. In context, it's used to depict someone who is deeply involved or absorbed in a situation or a problem. It's as though they're not merely observing a situation as an outsider, but they're actively participating, absorbed in it just like a character in a movie.

Example sentences using: meterse en la película

Siempre se mete en la película de los demás sin ser invitado.

English translation of Siempre se mete en la película de los demás sin ser invitado.

He always gets involved in other people's movies without being invited.

This sentence is used to describe a person who tends to involve himself in other people's affairs or situations, represented by 'the movie', even when not asked.

No puedes meterte en la película de su vida sin entender sus problemas.

English translation of No puedes meterte en la película de su vida sin entender sus problemas.

You cannot get involved in the movie of their life without understanding their problems.

This sentence expresses the idea that one shouldn't meddle in other's life or 'movie' without understanding the complexities and challenges they are facing.

Es mejor que no te metas en la película de sus problemas familiares.

English translation of Es mejor que no te metas en la película de sus problemas familiares.

It's better if you don't get involved in the movie of their family problems.

This phrase is used when advising someone to not involve themselves in someone else's issues, in this case, family problems, defined as 'the movie' metaphorically.