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English translation of Meteorología


Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere and its phenomena, especially in relation to weather and weather forecasting. It seeks to understand and predict the Earth's atmospheric conditions, including patterns such as climate and weather.

Example sentences using: Meteorología

La meteorología es la ciencia que estudia el clima.

English translation of La meteorología es la ciencia que estudia el clima.

Meteorology is the science that studies the weather.

This phrase introduces the Spanish term for meteorology, indicating that it's a field of study related to the understanding of weather patterns. The structure 'La ... es la ciencia que ...' is common for describing different scientific disciplines.

La meteorología puede predecir el tiempo con anticipación.

English translation of La meteorología puede predecir el tiempo con anticipación.

Meteorology can predict the weather in advance.

This sentence illustrates how one can talk about the abilities of various fields in Spanish, using meteorology as an example.

Estoy estudiando meteorología en la universidad.

English translation of Estoy estudiando meteorología en la universidad.

I'm studying meteorology at the university.

With this sentence, you can express studying a specific subject at school or university in Spanish.

La meteorología es importante para la agricultura.

English translation of La meteorología es importante para la agricultura.

Meteorology is important for agriculture.

This phrase is a good example of how to relate two concepts to each other in Spanish, in this case, linking meteorology and agriculture.

La meteorología puede ayudarnos a prepararnos para desastres naturales.

English translation of La meteorología puede ayudarnos a prepararnos para desastres naturales.

Meteorology can help us prepare for natural disasters.

This sentence provides an example of how to express the usefulness or practical benefits of a topic, such as meteorology.

El pronóstico de la meteorología para mañana es soleado.

English translation of El pronóstico de la meteorología para mañana es soleado.

The meteorology forecast for tomorrow is sunny.

This phrase offers a way to talk about weather forecasts in Spanish, linking it to the study of meteorology.

La meteorología usa herramientas como radar y satélites.

English translation of La meteorología usa herramientas como radar y satélites.

Meteorology uses tools like radar and satellite.

This phrase is a good way to list items or tools used in a particular field in Spanish.

La meteorología es más que solo el pronóstico del tiempo.

English translation of La meteorología es más que solo el pronóstico del tiempo.

Meteorology is more than just the weather forecast.

This phrase shows how to compare or contrast concepts in Spanish, hinting that meteorology has a broader scope than one might first think.

La meteorología juega un papel importante en la navegación aérea.

English translation of La meteorología juega un papel importante en la navegación aérea.

Meteorology plays an important role in air navigation.

In this phrase, you can learn how to express the significance of a subject in a certain context or industry.

Me gustaría trabajar en el campo de la meteorología algún día.

English translation of Me gustaría trabajar en el campo de la meteorología algún día.

I would like to work in the field of meteorology someday.

This sentence is a way to express future aspirations or plans related to a specific field in Spanish.