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English translation of meteorito


The Spanish word 'meteorito' translates to 'meteorite' in English. This refers to a small piece of a meteor that survives its passage through the Earth's atmosphere and lands on its surface. Meteorites can vary in size, ranging from dust particles to massive rocks. They are mainly composed of rock and metal, and their study helps scientists understand more about our solar system and the universe beyond.

Example sentences using: meteorito

Vi un meteorito en el cielo anoche.

English translation of Vi un meteorito en el cielo anoche.

I saw a meteor in the sky last night.

This phrase is an example of past tense narration. It's a simple statement about an event that happened in the past. The speaker saw a meteor in the sky the night before.

El meteorito causó un cráter gigante.

English translation of El meteorito causó un cráter gigante.

The meteor caused a giant crater.

In this sentence, the meteor is the subject that causes an action, resulting in a giant crater. This illustrates the use of cause and effect in a sentence.

Los científicos están estudiando el meteorito que cayó.

English translation of Los científicos están estudiando el meteorito que cayó.

Scientists are studying the meteor that fell.

This is an example of a sentence with a relative clause ('that fell'). Relative clauses give additional information about a noun (in this case, 'the meteor') without starting a new sentence.