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English translation of metáfora


The Spanish word 'metáfora' translates to 'metaphor' in English. In both languages, this term refers to a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. It helps in creating a comparison without the use of 'like' or 'as'. Examples of metaphors in English are phrases like 'Time is money' and 'Life is a rollercoaster'. Similarly, Spanish metaphors might include 'La vida es un sueño' (Life is a dream) or 'El tiempo es oro' (Time is gold). Metaphors are an important aspect of both English and Spanish languages as they add color and creativity to the language.

Example sentences using: metáfora

La vida es una metáfora constante.

English translation of La vida es una metáfora constante.

Life is a constant metaphor.

This phrase expresses the idea that life is full of symbolic situations or events that represent something else in a figurative way.

El amor es una metáfora llena de significado.

English translation of El amor es una metáfora llena de significado.

Love is a metaphor full of meaning.

This phrase implies that love can be interpreted in many ways, much like a metaphor, depending on one's personal experience and understanding.

Para él, la metáfora es una forma de vida.

English translation of Para él, la metáfora es una forma de vida.

For him, metaphor is a way of life.

This phrase refers to the idea that the person in question often uses or thinks in metaphors, using them to interpret or navigate life.