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English translation of meseta


The Spanish word 'meseta' translates to 'plateau' in English. A plateau is a flat or gently sloping elevated area that has been uplifted due to geological forces. Similarly, in Spanish, 'meseta' refers to an elevated, flat or slightly sloping region. It could be found between mountains or as high plains, and it's a term commonly used in geographic contexts.

Example sentences using: meseta

La meseta está ubicada en el centro del país.

English translation of La meseta está ubicada en el centro del país.

The plateau is located in the center of the country.

This sentence describes the geographical location of a plateau. In many countries, plateaus can be found in various regions, and this specific one is in the center.

La vegetación en la meseta es escasa debido a su clima árido.

English translation of La vegetación en la meseta es escasa debido a su clima árido.

The vegetation on the plateau is sparse due to its arid climate.

This sentence describes the environment of a plateau. Factors such as climate can influence the types and amount of vegetation that can survive on a plateau, and in this case, the arid or dry weather results in less vegetation.

A pesar de la altitud, la vida en la meseta puede ser tranquila y simple.

English translation of A pesar de la altitud, la vida en la meseta puede ser tranquila y simple.

Despite the altitude, life on the plateau can be peaceful and simple.

This sentence talks about life on a plateau. Even though plateaus are elevated areas, it does not mean life there cannot be peaceful and simple. This is showcasing a different perspective about life in high-altitude areas.

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