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mercancía nacional

English translation of mercancía nacional

national merchandise

The Spanish term 'mercancía nacional' translates to 'national merchandise' in English. This means products or goods that have been produced or manufactured within a particular country. It is used to identify goods within trade or commerce sectors that have been sourced domestically, promoting local businesses and industries. This contrasts with imported merchandise, which are goods produced in other countries.

Example sentences using: mercancía nacional

La mercancía nacional está sujeta a impuestos.

English translation of La mercancía nacional está sujeta a impuestos.

National merchandise is subject to taxes.

This is a statement about taxation policies applied on local merchandises, indicating that national goods are liable to taxes.

Es importante verificar la calidad de la mercancía nacional antes de la exportación.

English translation of Es importante verificar la calidad de la mercancía nacional antes de la exportación.

It is important to verify the quality of the national merchandise before exporting it.

This sentence emphasizes on the importance of quality inspection before exporting national goods in order to maintain a good international reputation.

La mercancía nacional a veces es más cara que la importada.

English translation of La mercancía nacional a veces es más cara que la importada.

National merchandise is sometimes more expensive than imported goods.

This statement denotes a comparison in the prices between locally produced merchandise and imported goods, suggesting that local products can sometimes be pricier.