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mercancía internacional

English translation of mercancía internacional

international merchandise

The term 'mercancía internacional' in Spanish translates to 'international merchandise' in English. This term is frequently used in trade and business fields to symbolize goods or commodities that are transported across international borders or are involved in international trade. It's a vocabulary word that's very common in global commerce, shipping, and logistics, particularly when discussing import and export activities, customs policy, trade restrictions, or tariff systems among different countries.

Example sentences using: mercancía internacional

La mercancía internacional ha llevado a complejas regulaciones aduaneras.

English translation of La mercancía internacional ha llevado a complejas regulaciones aduaneras.

International merchandise has led to complex customs regulations.

This sentence discusses the effect of international goods, which is causing increased complexity in customs laws and regulations.

Las empresas de transporte manejan constantemente mercancía internacional.

English translation of Las empresas de transporte manejan constantemente mercancía internacional.

Transportation companies constantly handle international merchandise.

This statement refers to the regular task of transportation companies, which is to deal with items shipped between different countries.

La venta de mercancía internacional puede resultar muy lucrativa.

English translation of La venta de mercancía internacional puede resultar muy lucrativa.

The sale of international merchandise can be very lucrative.

This sentence speaks about the potentially high profitability that can come with selling goods originating from overseas.