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mercado de valores

English translation of mercado de valores

stock market

The term 'mercado de valores' in Spanish refers to the 'stock market' in English. It is a place where buyers and sellers engage in the trade of stocks, bonds and other financial securities. It also includes facets of private and public economic sectors. Investment in the stock market can yield significant profits or losses, based on the performance of the securities one chooses to buy or sell.

Example sentences using: mercado de valores

El mercado de valores ha experimentado un fuerte descenso debido a la incertidumbre económica.

English translation of El mercado de valores ha experimentado un fuerte descenso debido a la incertidumbre económica.

The stock market has experienced a sharp drop due to economic uncertainty.

This sentence tells us about a situation where the stock market has seen a drastic decrease because of some uncertain economic conditions.

Estoy pensando en invertir en el mercado de valores para expandir mi cartera de inversiones.

English translation of Estoy pensando en invertir en el mercado de valores para expandir mi cartera de inversiones.

I'm thinking about investing in the stock market to expand my investment portfolio.

This sentence reveals someone's idea of investing in the stock market as a means to increase their investment portfolio, implying that the person might be looking at diversifying investments.

Para comprender el mercado de valores, es necesario estudiar las fluctuaciones económicas mundiales.

English translation of Para comprender el mercado de valores, es necesario estudiar las fluctuaciones económicas mundiales.

To understand the stock market, it is necessary to study global economic fluctuations.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of keeping a track of worldwide economic trends and fluctuations to get a good understanding of the stock market.

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