historical memory
The Spanish term 'memoria histórica' translates to 'historical memory' in English. The historical memory specifically refers to the way people, communities, or nations remember significant historical events. It is how a society recalls and also shows acknowledgment of the past events of political importance, major societal shifts, or moments of collective trauma, for example, war or dictatorship periods. It is about keeping the past alive in consciousness and culture, with the intent of learning valuable lessons for the future to prevent repetition of certain faults or to maintain cherished traditions.
Historical memory plays a key role in a country's identity.
This phrase emphasizes the importance of historical memory, which can be stored and recalled collectively as it forms a part of the identity or culture of a country or a group of people.
We must preserve our historical memory for future generations.
This sentence imparts the responsibility of preserving historical memory, which can be the recollection of important historical events, for future generations so they can learn from it.
Reconstruction without historical memory is equivalent to dishonoring our ancestors.
This statement talks about the significance of historical memory, usually associated with respect for our ancestors, in rebuilding or restructuring something, possibly a society or a city, that has been devastated or destroyed.