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English translation of memoria


In Spanish, 'memoria' is used to refer to the mental capacity to remember things. It can be used in the same contexts as the English word 'memory'. For example, you can use it when talking about short-term or long-term memory ('memoria a corto plazo' or 'memoria a largo plazo'), or to refer to someone's ability to remember things ('tiene buena memoria').

Example sentences using: memoria

La música trae viejas memorias.

English translation of La música trae viejas memorias.

The music brings old memories.

The phrase is used when certain music reminds one of past events. 'La música trae' translates to 'the music brings' and 'viejas memorias' means 'old memories'.

Tengo buena memoria.

English translation of Tengo buena memoria.

I have a good memory.

This phrase is used to express one's ability to remember things well. 'Tengo' comes from the verb 'tener' and means 'I have'. 'Buena' is an adjective and means 'good'. Memory translates as 'memoria' in Spanish.

Mi memoria no es lo que era.

English translation of Mi memoria no es lo que era.

My memory is not what it used to be.

This phrase is used to express that one's memory has deteriorated over time. 'No' is used to negate, 'es' is the verb 'ser' in third person and 'lo que era' translates to 'what it used to be'.

Necesito mejorar mi memoria.

English translation of Necesito mejorar mi memoria.

I need to improve my memory.

This phrase is used when one wants to enhance their memory. 'Necesito' means 'I need', 'mejorar' means 'to improve' and 'mi memoria' means 'my memory'.

Esto está más allá de mi memoria.

English translation of Esto está más allá de mi memoria.

This is beyond my memory.

This phrase is used when something is too difficult to remember. 'Esto' means 'this', 'está' means 'is', 'más allá' means 'beyond' and 'mi memoria' means 'my memory'.

A veces, mi memoria me falla.

English translation of A veces, mi memoria me falla.

Sometimes, my memory fails me.

This phrase is used when one's memory is not reliable. 'A veces' means 'sometimes', 'mi memoria' is 'my memory', 'me' is reflexive pronoun and 'falla' is third person of 'fallar' which literally means 'fails'.

Estoy perdiendo la memoria.

English translation of Estoy perdiendo la memoria.

I am losing memory.

The phrase is used to express that one is starting to forget things more frequently. 'Estoy' is 'I am', 'perdiendo' is gerund form of verb 'perder' translating to 'losing' and 'la memoria' is 'the memory'.

Tengo memoria de elefante.

English translation of Tengo memoria de elefante.

I have a memory of an elephant.

This is a Spanish idiom used to refer to a person who has a great memory. In this case, 'memoria de elefante' is an idiomatic expression equivalent to 'an elephant's memory' in English which suggests one's ability to remember great many things over long periods.

Esa casa trae memorias felices.

English translation of Esa casa trae memorias felices.

That house brings back happy memories.

This phrase talks about a house that holds or brings back happy memories for an individual. 'Esa casa' means 'that house', while 'trae memorias felices' means 'brings back happy memories'. The phrase is used when referring to nostalgic emotions tied to a particular place.

Está grabado en mi memoria.

English translation of Está grabado en mi memoria.

It is engraved in my memory.

This phrase refers to something being so impactful or recurring that it's unforgettably solidified in one's memory. 'Está grabado en' means 'is engraved in', 'mi memoria' means 'my memory'.