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médico de cabecera

English translation of médico de cabecera

header doctor

The phrase 'médico de cabecera' in Spanish directly translates to 'header doctor' in English. However, in context, it refers to your 'primary care physician' or 'family doctor'. This is a medical professional who serves as the first point of contact for a patient and provides ongoing care, attending to a variety of health-related concerns and conducting routine check-ups.

Example sentences using: médico de cabecera

Mi médico de cabecera me aconsejó hacer más ejercicio.

English translation of Mi médico de cabecera me aconsejó hacer más ejercicio.

My general practitioner advised me to do more exercise.

In this sentence, the Spanish phrase 'médico de cabecera' is used to refer to a general practitioner or family doctor. It is someone you usually consult for non-emergency health issues. The phrase is used at the beginning of the sentence, not as a suffix.

El médico de cabecera puede realizar chequeos generales y referir a especialistas si es necesario.

English translation of El médico de cabecera puede realizar chequeos generales y referir a especialistas si es necesario.

The general practitioner can carry out general check-ups and refer to specialists if necessary.

This sentence describes the role of a 'médico de cabecera' or a general practitioner in medical care. They are typically the first point of contact for patients and can carry out general health screenings and refer patients to specialists when needed.

¿Quién es tu médico de cabecera?

English translation of ¿Quién es tu médico de cabecera?

Who is your general practitioner?

This example presents a common question that might be asked in a healthcare setting or in a casual conversation. The phrase 'médico de cabecera' is used to inquire about one's primary healthcare provider.

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