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English translation of médico


The Spanish word 'médico' is used in contexts relating to the science or practice of medicine, doctors, or medical fields. Similar to English, it can be used both as an adjective and a noun. For example, when talking about a 'medical center' you would say 'centro médico'. If referring to a doctor, you can use 'médico' as a noun.

Example sentences using: médico

El médico está en la clínica.

English translation of El médico está en la clínica.

The doctor is in the clinic.

This is a simple sentence stating the location of a specific person - the doctor. 'Está' is the third person singular form of 'estar', which is one of the verbs used to express 'to be' in Spanish and is used to indicate temporary states or locations.

Mi hermano es un médico.

English translation of Mi hermano es un médico.

My brother is a doctor.

This phrase introduces a family member and their profession. 'Es' is the third person singular form of the verb 'ser', which is another word for 'to be' in Spanish used to indicate a permanent state or characteristic.

Voy a ver al médico mañana.

English translation of Voy a ver al médico mañana.

I am going to see the doctor tomorrow.

It’s an example of a future plan. 'Voy' is the first person singular of the verb 'ir' which means to go. 'A ver' is an infinitive phrase used to indicate the purpose of the action.

El médico me dio una receta.

English translation of El médico me dio una receta.

The doctor gave me a prescription.

This is a common phrase used in a healthcare setting. 'Dio' is the third person singular, past tense of the verb 'dar', which means 'to give'.

El médico me dijo que estoy sano.

English translation of El médico me dijo que estoy sano.

The doctor told me that I'm healthy.

This phrase represents indirect speech and 'dijo' is the past form of the verb 'decir', which means 'to say' or 'to tell'.

No soy médico, pero puedo ayudarte.

English translation of No soy médico, pero puedo ayudarte.

I'm not a doctor, but I can help you.

This sentence contains a negative statement 'no soy' and a conjunction 'pero', which is used to connect contrasting phrases.

El médico trabaja mucho.

English translation of El médico trabaja mucho.

The doctor works a lot.

This sentence uses the verb 'trabaja' which is the third person singular form of 'trabajar', meaning 'to work'. It is used to describe a person’s activity or habit.

Este médico es muy bueno.

English translation of Este médico es muy bueno.

This doctor is very good.

This sentence includes the adjective 'bueno', used to express a positive attribute of the doctor.

Estoy estudiando para ser médico.

English translation of Estoy estudiando para ser médico.

I am studying to become a doctor.

This phrase contains the gerund 'estudiando', which is equivalent to the English 'studying'. The verb 'ser' here is used to express a future professional aspiration.