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medicina tradicional

English translation of medicina tradicional

Traditional medicine

The term 'medicina tradicional' refers to traditional medicine in English. This pertains to the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, used in the maintenance of health, as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of physical and mental illness. Often used for centuries, these methods may not be supported by modern scientific understanding, but still fulfill an important role in numerous communities around the world.

Example sentences using: medicina tradicional

La medicina tradicional todavía tiene un lugar importante en nuestra sociedad.

English translation of La medicina tradicional todavía tiene un lugar importante en nuestra sociedad.

Traditional medicine still has an important place in our society.

This sentence suggests that despite advances in modern medicine, traditional medicine continues to be practiced and respected in the speaker's society.

Mi abuela cree firmemente en la medicina tradicional para tratar enfermedades comunes.

English translation of Mi abuela cree firmemente en la medicina tradicional para tratar enfermedades comunes.

My grandmother firmly believes in traditional medicine to treat common illnesses.

This sentence reveals the speaker's grandmother's trust in traditional medicine for addressing common ailments, indicating a personal or cultural preference.

La medicina tradicional puede ser un complemento a la medicina moderna.

English translation of La medicina tradicional puede ser un complemento a la medicina moderna.

Traditional medicine can be a complement to modern medicine.

This sentence proposes that traditional and modern medicines can work together, suggesting a holistic approach to healthcare that accepts both methods.

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