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medicina natural

English translation of medicina natural

natural medicine

The term 'medicina natural' in Spanish directly translates to 'natural medicine' in English. Natural medicine refers to the methods and products used to maintain health and treat disease that do not involve synthetic chemicals, surgery, or other invasive procedures. This can include plants, herbs, dietary supplements, natural foods, sunshine, air, and water, among other things. It is an area that also embraces a preventive approach to health.

Example sentences using: medicina natural

La medicina natural a veces puede ser un complemento útil para los tratamientos convencionales.

English translation of La medicina natural a veces puede ser un complemento útil para los tratamientos convencionales.

Natural medicine can sometimes be a useful complement to conventional treatments.

This sentence explains the possible role of natural medicine as an addition to standard medical treatments. It indicates that it is not a substitute, but could be useful in conjunction with them.

Estudia para ser un experto en medicina natural.

English translation of Estudia para ser un experto en medicina natural.

Study to become an expert in natural medicine.

This sentence is giving a suggestion or encouragement to pursue studies in the field of natural medicine, implying that it is a profession one could become an expert in.

En su viaje, descubrió el poder de la medicina natural.

English translation of En su viaje, descubrió el poder de la medicina natural.

On her journey, she discovered the power of natural medicine.

This sentence describes a person (presumably a woman) who, during a journey or trip, found out about the effectiveness of natural medicine. It suggests a transformative experience or turning point in her understanding of health treatments.

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