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medicina general

English translation of medicina general

General medicine

The Spanish phrase 'medicina general' translates to 'general medicine' in English. This term is often used within the medical field. In general, it refers to the practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. It is the type of medicine that is practiced by doctors who are 'general practitioners'. These are physicians who do not specialize in any particular area of medicine, but provides routine health care mainly in office settings.

Example sentences using: medicina general

La medicina general es una rama crucial de la salud.

English translation of La medicina general es una rama crucial de la salud.

General medicine is a crucial branch of health.

This sentence is highlighting the importance of general medicine within the healthcare industry or sector. The term 'crucial' is chosen to emphasize the fundamental or essential role that general medicine plays.

Estoy estudiando medicina general en la universidad.

English translation of Estoy estudiando medicina general en la universidad.

I am studying general medicine at the university.

The sentence states that the person, probably an undergraduate or graduate student, is enrolled in a general medicine program at their university. This is most likely part of a training process to become a general practitioner or other medical professional.

El doctor en medicina general atiende a pacientes de todas las edades.

English translation of El doctor en medicina general atiende a pacientes de todas las edades.

The doctor in general medicine attends to patients of all ages.

The sentence describes one of the roles of a doctor who specializes in general medicine – to see or tend to patients from all age groups. This statement reflects the wide range of patients that a general practitioner typically deals with.

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