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medicamento preventivo

English translation of medicamento preventivo

Preventive medicine

The Spanish term 'medicamento preventivo' translates to 'preventive medicine' in English. This is a branch of medicine engaged with preventing disease instead of treating it. It can include services like disease prevention, screenings, and promoting health. It is not about gearing the body towards diseases, but taking precautions towards the onset of disease.

Example sentences using: medicamento preventivo

Ana toma un medicamento preventivo para su condición de asma.

English translation of Ana toma un medicamento preventivo para su condición de asma.

Ana takes a preventive medicine for her asthma condition.

In this sentence, the phrase 'medicamento preventivo' is used to describe the proactive measure Ana takes to manage her asthma. Preventive medicines are typically taken regularly to reduce the risk of severe attacks or complications.

El programa de salud del gobierno proporciona medicamento preventivo a grupos de alto riesgo.

English translation of El programa de salud del gobierno proporciona medicamento preventivo a grupos de alto riesgo.

The government health program provides preventive medicine to high-risk groups.

This sentence describes a public health program that distributes preventive medicines. High-risk groups often refer to populations that are at a greater risk of developing certain diseases. Provision of such medicine is one way to control public health crises.

Jorge solicitó a su médico una receta para el medicamento preventivo contra la malaria antes de su viaje a África.

English translation of Jorge solicitó a su médico una receta para el medicamento preventivo contra la malaria antes de su viaje a África.

Jorge asked his doctor for a prescription for preventive malaria medicine before his trip to Africa.

In this context, Jorge is planning to travel to a region where there might be a high risk of contracting malaria. As a precaution, he has requested a preventive medicine from his doctor which is intended to reduce his risk of getting the disease.

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