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medicamento genérico

English translation of medicamento genérico

generic medicine

The Spanish term 'medicamento genérico' refers to a type of medicine in English known as 'generic medicine'. A generic medicine is a medication that has exactly the same active ingredients as the original branded medicine and used as their substitute. It is generally sold at significantly lower prices as it does not carry the brand name.

Example sentences using: medicamento genérico

El medicamento genérico es más barato que el de la marca original.

English translation of El medicamento genérico es más barato que el de la marca original.

The generic medicine is cheaper than the original brand.

In this sentence, we are comparing the cost of generic medicine to that of the original brand. The use of 'más barato que' shows the comparison being made. This is a typical way comparisons are made in Spanish.

Mi médico prescribe siempre un medicamento genérico si está disponible.

English translation of Mi médico prescribe siempre un medicamento genérico si está disponible.

My doctor always prescribes a generic medicine if it is available.

This sentence is expressing a habitual action or routine of the doctor always prescribing a generic medicine when possible. The use of 'siempre' indicates the frequency of this action, showing that it happens all the time.

No todos los medicamentos genéricos tienen la misma calidad.

English translation of No todos los medicamentos genéricos tienen la misma calidad.

Not all generic medicines have the same quality.

This sentence is making a general statement about generic medicines, stating that not all of them have the same quality. In Spanish, general statements are often made in the present tense, as seen here.

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