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medicamento eficaz

English translation of medicamento eficaz

effective medicine

The Spanish phrase 'medicamento eficaz' translates to 'effective medicine' in English. It refers to medicinal drugs, pills, capsules or any other medicinal preparations that work well and successfully produce the desired result of treating or preventing an illness or disease. Not only does it imply beneficial effects but also highlights the reliability and potency of the medicine. It indicates a credible or dependable medicine that could be prescribed or suggested by health experts.

Example sentences using: medicamento eficaz

Estoy en busca de un medicamento eficaz para mi resfriado.

English translation of Estoy en busca de un medicamento eficaz para mi resfriado.

I am looking for an effective medicine for my cold.

In this case, the speaker is looking for a medicine that works well, i.e., is effective, to treat their cold. The phrase can be used in any situation where someone needs a solution to a problem, not only medical scenarios.

El médico me recetó un medicamento eficaz contra la alergia.

English translation of El médico me recetó un medicamento eficaz contra la alergia.

The doctor prescribed me an effective medicine against allergies.

Here, the speaker is talking about a medicine the doctor has prescribed that is effective in treating allergies. This phrase can be used whenever someone is talking about a remedy that a professional has recommended or prescribed.

El medicamento eficaz que venden en la farmacia me ayudó a aliviar los síntomas.

English translation of El medicamento eficaz que venden en la farmacia me ayudó a aliviar los síntomas.

The effective medicine they sell at the pharmacy helped alleviate my symptoms.

In this example, the speaker is expressing their positive experience with an efficient medicine they purchased at the pharmacy. This phrase can be used to share personal experiences regarding successful resolutions to problems or challenges.

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