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medicamento agresivo

English translation of medicamento agresivo

aggressive medicine

The Spanish term 'medicamento agresivo' translates to 'aggressive medicine' in English. This can refer to a strong, potent, or intensely acting medicine, often in the context of treating a serious or aggressive illness. It can also indicate a medicine that has significant side effects or can cause drastic changes in the body.

Example sentences using: medicamento agresivo

El médico recetó un medicamento agresivo para tratar su enfermedad.

English translation of El médico recetó un medicamento agresivo para tratar su enfermedad.

The doctor prescribed an aggressive medication to treat his illness.

In this sentence, the term 'medicamento agresivo' is used to describe a strong or potent medication that the doctor prescribed to treat an illness. It implies that the medicine prescribed has powerful effects and is likely used to treat serious conditions.

Ella dudaba en tomar el medicamento agresivo debido a los efectos secundarios.

English translation of Ella dudaba en tomar el medicamento agresivo debido a los efectos secundarios.

She hesitated to take the aggressive medication due to the side effects.

This sentence conveys a dilemma or concern about taking an 'aggressive medication'. Here, 'medicamento agresivo' refers to a medication with strong or potent effects that also has potential side effects, which causes the subject to hesitate or be cautious about taking it.

El medicamento agresivo demostró ser efectivo, mejorando rápidamente su salud.

English translation of El medicamento agresivo demostró ser efectivo, mejorando rápidamente su salud.

The aggressive medication proved to be effective, quickly improving his health.

This sentence describes a positive outcome after using an 'aggressive medication'. In this context, 'medicamento agresivo' signifies a strong or potent medication that has shown effective results in rapidly improving the subject's health condition.

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