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mayoría social

English translation of mayoría social

social majority

The term 'mayoría social' in Spanish translates to 'social majority' in English. This term refers to the larger or greater number of a specific population or group within a society. It can be used in a variety of societal and political contexts to describe the group that has the most number of people in a particular setting, often indicating a common viewpoint or shared characteristics among the majority.

Example sentences using: mayoría social

La mayoría social apoya este proyecto.

English translation of La mayoría social apoya este proyecto.

The social majority supports this project.

This sentence states that the students are part of a larger group that supports a specific project.

En esta ciudad, la mayoría social vive en los suburbios.

English translation of En esta ciudad, la mayoría social vive en los suburbios.

In this city, the social majority lives in the suburbs.

This sentence is saying that most of the population or the 'social majority' in a particular city live in the suburbs.

Los políticos ignoran las demandas de la mayoría social.

English translation of Los políticos ignoran las demandas de la mayoría social.

Politicians ignore the demands of the social majority.

This sentence refers to a scenario where politicians are not taking into consideration the needs and demands of the most significant portion of the society or the 'social majority'.

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