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mayoría étnica

English translation of mayoría étnica

ethnic majority

The term 'mayoría étnica' in Spanish refers to 'ethnic majority' in English. This concept is commonly used in social, political, and demographic contexts to speak about the ethnicity that has the most significant number of individuals within a given population. It's important to acknowledge that majorities can vary considerably in different regions or contexts, providing a complex and colorful tapestry of human diversity.

Example sentences using: mayoría étnica

La mayoría étnica en este país son los blancos.

English translation of La mayoría étnica en este país son los blancos.

The ethnic majority in this country are whites.

This sentence uses the term 'mayoría étnica' to reference the largest racial or ethnic group in a specific country. It implies that white people constitute the largest racial or ethnic group in the country referred to.

El idioma de la mayoría étnica a veces domina la cultura.

English translation of El idioma de la mayoría étnica a veces domina la cultura.

The language of the ethnic majority sometimes dominates the culture.

This statement points out that the language spoken by the majority ethnic group in a particular region or country often has a significant influence on the area's culture. The term 'mayoría étnica' is used to refer to the most numerous racial or ethnic group.

Los restaurantes de la mayoría étnica están en todas partes de la ciudad.

English translation of Los restaurantes de la mayoría étnica están en todas partes de la ciudad.

The restaurants of the ethnic majority are all over the city.

The sentence illustrates the idea that restaurants representing the food culture of the majority ethnic group can be found widely across the city. 'Mayoría étnica' here refers to the ethnic group with the most numbers.