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English translation of mascota


The word 'mascota' in Spanish translates to 'pet' in English. It is generally used to refer to animals that are kept for companionship and enjoyment, or a domesticated animal. The term is often associated with household animals that have been tamed and are kept as a constant companion, such as dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, etc. However, it can also occasionally refer to exotic pets depending on the context.

Example sentences using: mascota

Mi mascota es un gato.

English translation of Mi mascota es un gato.

My pet is a cat.

This is a statement that indicates the speaker's pet is a cat.

¿Dónde está mi mascota?

English translation of ¿Dónde está mi mascota?

Where is my pet?

The speaker is asking about the location of their pet.

La mascota de Juan es muy amigable.

English translation of La mascota de Juan es muy amigable.

Juan's pet is very friendly.

This implies that Juan has a pet which portrays friendly behavior.

Nuestra mascota se llama Max.

English translation of Nuestra mascota se llama Max.

Our pet's name is Max.

The phrase gives us the information that the pet's name belonging to the speaker and others is Max.

Su mascota parece triste.

English translation of Su mascota parece triste.

His/her pet looks sad.

This statement observes that someone else's pet appears to be showing signs of sadness.

Estoy buscando una mascota.

English translation of Estoy buscando una mascota.

I am looking for a pet.

This shows that the speaker wants to find a pet.

Hoy vimos una mascota herida.

English translation of Hoy vimos una mascota herida.

Today we saw an injured pet.

This states that, on this given day, the speaker and others perceived a pet that had an injury.

Esta es la comida de la mascota.

English translation of Esta es la comida de la mascota.

This is the pet's food.

This phrase tells us about the food that belongs specifically to a pet.

La mascota está jugando en el jardín.

English translation of La mascota está jugando en el jardín.

The pet is playing in the garden.

This informs us that there is a pet which is currently involved in playful activities in a garden.

Cada mascota necesita amor.

English translation of Cada mascota necesita amor.

Every pet needs love.

This sentence speaks about the universal requirement of affection for pets.