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English translation of marinero


The word 'marinero' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'sailor' in English. It is typically used to refer to someone who works on board a sea vessel. 'Marinero' comes from the Spanish word 'mar', which means 'sea', emphasizing the connection of the sailor to the sea. This term can be used in various contexts, whether literal, as in the occupation, or metaphorical, as in someone who likes to navigate through different situations.

Example sentences using: marinero

El marinero navega el barco con habilidad.

English translation of El marinero navega el barco con habilidad.

The sailor skilfully sails the boat.

In this example, 'marinero' is used in a sentence to depict an action that a sailor commonly does, which is to navigate the boat. The phrase shows the sailor's competence in doing so.

El marinero amarró la cuerda al muelle.

English translation of El marinero amarró la cuerda al muelle.

The sailor tied the rope to the dock.

This example uses 'marinero' to describe an individual, in this case, a sailor, accomplishing a sailing-associated task- tying a rope to a dock. This is a common activity among sailors when docking a boat.

El sombrero del marinero estaba empapado por la lluvia.

English translation of El sombrero del marinero estaba empapado por la lluvia.

The sailor's hat was soaked by the rain.

This example uses 'marinero' as an owner of the 'sombrero' (hat). The phrase describes a situation where the sailor's hat was wet due to rain. This highlights the outdoor, often rough conditions sailors are exposed to.