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English translation of marginado


The Spanish word 'marginado' translates to 'marginalized' in English. It refers to someone who is treated as insignificant or peripheral within a society or group. This term may be used in a variety of contexts, such as social, economic, cultural, or political situations. It stems from the word 'margen' which means 'margin', implying the idea of being on the edge or outside of something.

Example sentences using: marginado

Él se siente como un marginado en su nueva escuela.

English translation of Él se siente como un marginado en su nueva escuela.

He feels like an outcast at his new school.

This phrase is expressing the emotional state of a person (he) feeling like an outsider or marginalized individual within a new social environment, in this case, a new school.

La sociedad a menudo deja marginado a este grupo de personas.

English translation of La sociedad a menudo deja marginado a este grupo de personas.

Society often marginalizes this group of people.

This sentence speaks about the broader societal tendency to marginalize or exclude certain groups of people, making them feel like social outcasts.

No quieres ser marginado por tus acciones.

English translation of No quieres ser marginado por tus acciones.

You do not want to be marginalized because of your actions.

This statement addresses the possibility of a person becoming ostracized or marginalized due to their own actions. It is a cautionary sentence warning about the potential social consequences of certain behaviors.