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English translation of mareos


The Spanish word 'mareos' translates to 'dizziness' in English. It is often used to describe a physical sensation of feeling lightheaded or unsteady, similar to the sensation you might experience when you stand up too quickly. In a medical context, 'mareos' might be used to describe a symptom of certain conditions, such as low blood pressure or dehydration.

Example sentences using: mareos

Cuando viajo en barco, siempre tengo mareos.

English translation of Cuando viajo en barco, siempre tengo mareos.

When I travel by boat, I always get dizzy.

In this example, 'mareos' is used to refer to the feeling of dizziness that one might experience when traveling by boat due to the motion of the waves. This is a common symptom of seasickness.

Los mareos son un efecto secundario de este medicamento.

English translation of Los mareos son un efecto secundario de este medicamento.

Dizziness is a side effect of this medication.

In this phrase, 'mareos' is being used to describe a side effect of a medication. In English, the word 'dizziness' is commonly used to describe this particular side effect.

Estoy comiendo menos para evitar los mareos.

English translation of Estoy comiendo menos para evitar los mareos.

I'm eating less to avoid dizziness.

Here, 'mareos' is referred to as something that can be avoided through changing one's diet. Overeating or certain types of foods can sometimes lead to feelings of dizziness, hence the change in eating habits.

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