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English translation of mar


The Spanish word 'mar' translates to 'sea' in English. It is a common term used to indicate the large body of salt water that covers most of the Earth's surface. 'Mar' is a noun and it can be used in various contexts including geographical discussions, travel descriptions, literature, and more. It's a singular masculine noun in Spanish, so you'd use 'el' (the) with it; 'el mar' means 'the sea'. Remember, the pronunciation is important in Spanish language, 'mar' is pronounced as 'mar' in Spanish.

Example sentences using: mar

Vamos a navegar por el mar.

English translation of Vamos a navegar por el mar.

Let's sail on the sea.

This phrases proposes an activity to the listener, inviting them to go sailing. It can be used when planning activities or suggesting ideas.

Encontré una botella en el mar.

English translation of Encontré una botella en el mar.

I found a bottle in the sea.

In this sentence, the speaker shares an experience about finding a bottle in the sea. It can be used to tell a story or to explain an event that happened in the past.

El mar es muy azul hoy.

English translation of El mar es muy azul hoy.

The sea is very blue today.

This sentence is a simple observation about the color of the sea at a particular moment. It can be used in various contexts, like describing the weather or painting a mental picture of the scene.

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