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mantenerse bien

English translation of mantenerse bien

Stay well

The Spanish phrase 'mantenerse bien' directly translates to 'stay well' in English. You can use this phrase when you want to instruct or wish someone to stay in good health or condition. It's a way of expressing your good wishes or concern for their wellness and can be used in casual, formal, professional, or personal contexts

Example sentences using: mantenerse bien

Es importante mantenerse bien para tener una salud óptima.

English translation of Es importante mantenerse bien para tener una salud óptima.

It is important to stay well to have optimal health.

This sentence uses 'mantenerse bien' as part of a general statement about the importance of taking care of one's health, indicating a connection between maintaining well-being and reaching optimal health.

A pesar de su edad, Carlos logra mantenerse bien con ejercicio regular.

English translation of A pesar de su edad, Carlos logra mantenerse bien con ejercicio regular.

Despite his age, Carlos manages to stay well with regular exercise.

In this sentence, 'mantenerse bien' is used to communicate the idea that even though Carlos is old, he manages to maintain good health and well-being through regular exercise.

Para mantenerse bien durante el viaje, es esencial tomar suficiente agua.

English translation of Para mantenerse bien durante el viaje, es esencial tomar suficiente agua.

To stay well during the trip, it is essential to drink enough water.

Here, 'mantenerse bien' is used in a statement offering advice on how to stay healthy during a trip, underlining the importance of hydration.