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mantener una actitud abierta

English translation of mantener una actitud abierta

keep an open attitude

The Spanish phrase 'mantener una actitud abierta' is translated into English as 'keep an open attitude'. It is commonly used to encourage someone to be receptive and understanding of new or different ideas, perspectives, or experiences. It promotes the values of flexibility, tolerance, and adaptability. It is more than simply listening, but actively seeking to understand and appreciate where others are coming from. Keeping an open attitude not only benefits personal growth, but also strengthens communication, relationships, and the ability to work effectively in diverse teams.

Example sentences using: mantener una actitud abierta

Es importante mantener una actitud abierta en todas las situaciones.

English translation of Es importante mantener una actitud abierta en todas las situaciones.

It is important to keep an open mind in all situations.

This sentence highlights the importance of receptiveness and adaptability in various situations.

Siempre intento mantener una actitud abierta cuando conozco a gente nueva.

English translation of Siempre intento mantener una actitud abierta cuando conozco a gente nueva.

I always try to keep an open mind when meeting new people.

The sentence indicates the speaker's attempt to be non-judgemental and open to understanding new people.

Podemos aprender mucho manteniendo una actitud abierta hacia diferentes culturas.

English translation of Podemos aprender mucho manteniendo una actitud abierta hacia diferentes culturas.

We can learn a lot by keeping an open mind towards different cultures.

Here, the open-mindedness is applied toward understanding various cultures, implying that it can lead to much learning.

Mantener una actitud abierta es esencial para un líder efectivo.

English translation of Mantener una actitud abierta es esencial para un líder efectivo.

Keeping an open mind is essential for an effective leader.

This sentence conveys the idea that leadership requires open-mindedness for it to be effective.

El profesor nos animó a mantener una actitud abierta durante el curso.

English translation of El profesor nos animó a mantener una actitud abierta durante el curso.

The teacher encouraged us to keep an open mind during the course.

This example indicates the need for an open attitude for better learning outcomes in a course.

La clave para el crecimiento personal es mantener una actitud abierta.

English translation of La clave para el crecimiento personal es mantener una actitud abierta.

The key to personal growth is to keep an open mind.

In this sentence, keeping an open mind is directly linked to the possibility of personal development.

Ella consiguió seguir adelante al mantener una actitud abierta.

English translation of Ella consiguió seguir adelante al mantener una actitud abierta.

She managed to move forward by keeping an open mind.

This sentence implies that open-mindedness can be a coping mechanism in hard times.

Podrías haber evitado el malentendido al mantener una actitud abierta.

English translation of Podrías haber evitado el malentendido al mantener una actitud abierta.

You could have avoided the misunderstanding by keeping an open mind.

This sentence indicates that misunderstandings can be prevented with an open mind.

Mantener una actitud abierta ha hecho que sea más tolerante.

English translation of Mantener una actitud abierta ha hecho que sea más tolerante.

Keeping an open mind has made me more tolerant.

This instance illustrates that being open-minded can lead to increased tolerance.

El éxito de nuestro equipo se debe a mantener una actitud abierta.

English translation of El éxito de nuestro equipo se debe a mantener una actitud abierta.

Our team's success is due to keeping an open mind.

In this example, it suggests that a team's success can be attributed to a collective open-minded approach.

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