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English translation of mantener


The Spanish word 'mantener' stands for 'keep' in English. It refers to a variety of actions depending on the context, including to keep doing something (mantener haciendo algo), to keep something in a particular state or condition (mantener algo en un estado o condición) or to support oneself (mantenerse). It is a regular verb in Spanish, and so follows the regular conjugation rules.

Example sentences using: mantener

Debemos mantener la calma en situaciones dificiles.

English translation of Debemos mantener la calma en situaciones dificiles.

We must keep calm in difficult situations.

This sentence indicates the necessity (debemos) of staying calm (mantener la calma) when in challenging circumstances (en situaciones dificiles).

Voy a mantener mi puesto de trabajo.

English translation of Voy a mantener mi puesto de trabajo.

I am going to keep my job.

The sentence declares the speaker's intention (voy a) of holding onto (mantener) their employment position (mi puesto de trabajo).

Ellos deben mantener un buen rendimiento.

English translation of Ellos deben mantener un buen rendimiento.

They must maintain good performance.

The sentence suggests the necessity (deben) of the subjects maintaining (mantener) a high standard of work or effort (un buen rendimiento).

Ella quiere mantener su independencia.

English translation of Ella quiere mantener su independencia.

She wants to maintain her independence.

The sentence displays a desire (ella quiere) to preserve (mantener) self-reliance (su independencia).

Necesitamos mantener un ritmo constante.

English translation of Necesitamos mantener un ritmo constante.

We need to maintain a steady pace.

The sentence expresses the requirement (necesitamos) of keeping (mantener) a consistent speed or rate (un ritmo constante).

Puedes mantener un estado de ánimo positivo?

English translation of Puedes mantener un estado de ánimo positivo?

Can you maintain a positive mood?

The sentence questions the ability (puedes) to sustain (mantener) an upbeat or cheerful attitude (un estado de ánimo positivo).

No es fácil mantener una relación a distancia.

English translation of No es fácil mantener una relación a distancia.

It's not easy to maintain a long-distance relationship.

The sentence states the difficulty (no es fácil) in keeping (mantener) a romantic relationship where the parties are geographically separated (una relación a distancia).

Deberías mantener tus habitos saludables.

English translation of Deberías mantener tus habitos saludables.

You should maintain your healthy habits.

The phrase gives advice (deberías) on continued adherence (mantener) to beneficial routines or practices (tus habitos saludables).

Vamos a mantener nuestra promesa.

English translation of Vamos a mantener nuestra promesa.

We are going to keep our promise.

The phrase expresses the intention (vamos a) of upholding (mantener) a previously made commitment (nuestra promesa).

No puedo mantener este secreto por mas tiempo.

English translation of No puedo mantener este secreto por mas tiempo.

I can't keep this secret any longer.

The phrase indicates an inability (no puedo) to continue withholding (mantener) a piece of hidden information (este secreto) for an extended period (por mas tiempo).

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