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manifestar una actitud tolerante

English translation of manifestar una actitud tolerante

manifesting a tolerant attitude

The Spanish phrase 'manifestar una actitud tolerante' translates to 'manifesting a tolerant attitude' in English. This phrase describes the act of showing or expressing a tolerant attitude towards certain situations or people. Essentially, it means letting others have their own opinions and accepting their differences, rather than forcing your own beliefs or behavior on them.

Example sentences using: manifestar una actitud tolerante

Para evitar peleas, hay que manifestar una actitud tolerante.

English translation of Para evitar peleas, hay que manifestar una actitud tolerante.

To avoid fights, one must show a tolerant attitude.

This sentence implies that showing a tolerant attitude can help prevent conflicts or fights.

El líder debe manifestar una actitud tolerante ante las opiniones diferentes.

English translation of El líder debe manifestar una actitud tolerante ante las opiniones diferentes.

The leader must show a tolerant attitude towards different opinions.

In this sentence, the verb 'manifestar' conveys the action of demonstrating or showing something in a clear or obvious way. The noun 'actitud' refers to a manner of thinking or behaving. 'Tolerante' is an adjective that qualifies the type of 'attitude' being demonstrated.

Es importante manifestar una actitud tolerante en situaciones de conflicto.

English translation of Es importante manifestar una actitud tolerante en situaciones de conflicto.

It's important to show a tolerant attitude in conflict situations.

This sentence suggests that in situations of conflict, demonstrating a tolerant attitude is considered valuable.

Julia intenta siempre manifestar una actitud tolerante con sus compañeros.

English translation of Julia intenta siempre manifestar una actitud tolerante con sus compañeros.

Julia always tries to show a tolerant attitude towards her colleagues.

In this example, Julia is making a conscious effort to demonstrate tolerance toward her colleagues.

Los maestros deben manifestar una actitud tolerante a las ideas nuevas.

English translation of Los maestros deben manifestar una actitud tolerante a las ideas nuevas.

Teachers should show a tolerant attitude towards new ideas.

This example implies the role of teachers in embracing new ideas with a tolerant attitude.

Aprendió a manifestar una actitud tolerante hacia sus oponentes políticos.

English translation of Aprendió a manifestar una actitud tolerante hacia sus oponentes políticos.

He learned to show a tolerant attitude towards his political opponents.

This sentence describes that the subject has learned the important concept of political tolerance.

Necesitas manifestar una actitud tolerante para trabajar en atención al cliente.

English translation of Necesitas manifestar una actitud tolerante para trabajar en atención al cliente.

You need to show a tolerant attitude to work in customer service.

This sentence implies that having a tolerant attitude is a requirement for customer service workers.

Es difícil para él manifestar una actitud tolerante cuando está enojado.

English translation of Es difícil para él manifestar una actitud tolerante cuando está enojado.

It's difficult for him to show a tolerant attitude when he's angry.

This sentence indicates that emotions, such as anger, can make it more difficult to demonstrate tolerance.

Para ser un buen líder, tienes que manifestar una actitud tolerante.

English translation of Para ser un buen líder, tienes que manifestar una actitud tolerante.

To be a good leader, you have to show a tolerant attitude.

This sentence suggests that a sign of a good leader is the ability to demonstrate tolerance.

Los padres deben manifestar una actitud tolerante hacia los errores de sus hijos.

English translation of Los padres deben manifestar una actitud tolerante hacia los errores de sus hijos.

Parents should show a tolerant attitude towards their children's mistakes.

The sentence suggests that it is beneficial for parents to demonstrate tolerance towards their children's mistakes.

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