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English translation of manada


The word 'manada' in Spanish does not exactly translate to 'packed' in English. Instead, it typically refers to a 'herd', 'pack' or 'group' especially of wild animals or in a broader context, it can also refer to a group of people. It's commonly used to describe a large number of animals of the same species moving together.

Example sentences using: manada

La manada de lobos corre en el bosque

English translation of La manada de lobos corre en el bosque

The pack of wolves runs in the forest

In this phrase, 'manada' is used as a noun referring to a group of similarly types of animals, specifically wolves in this case. The visual imagery created is that of multiple wolves running as a group in a forest.

La manada se movió al unísono para proteger a sus crías

English translation of La manada se movió al unísono para proteger a sus crías

The herd moved in unison to protect their young

Here, 'manada' can refer to any group of animals acting together, emphasizing the collective behavior and protection instinct they have for their young.

Nosotros, como manada, debemos trabajar juntos

English translation of Nosotros, como manada, debemos trabajar juntos

We, like a herd, must work together

In this context, 'manada' has been used figuratively to refer to a group of people being compared to a herd, emphasizing the need for unity and cooperation among them.