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English translation of lugar


The Spanish word 'lugar' is used to describe a place or location. It can be used in various sentences and contexts for example, '¿Dónde está el lugar?' translates to 'Where is the place?'. It is also used in phrases like 'en primer lugar' which means 'in the first place'. As with English, 'lugar' can refer to a physical location or a conceptual one.

Example sentences using: lugar

Los detectives están investigando el lugar del crimen.

English translation of Los detectives están investigando el lugar del crimen.

The detectives are investigating the crime scene.

This phrase is commonly used in crime stories to refer to the exact location where the crime took place.

Siempre me pierdo buscando tu lugar.

English translation of Siempre me pierdo buscando tu lugar.

I always get lost looking for your place.

This line signifies one's struggle in finding the other person's house or location.

Este es mi lugar favorito en la ciudad.

English translation of Este es mi lugar favorito en la ciudad.

This is my favorite place in the city.

The sentence expresses personal affection towards a specific location in the city.

Por favor, respeta mi lugar personal.

English translation of Por favor, respeta mi lugar personal.

Please respect my personal space.

This statement is requesting someone to respect the speaker's private area or boundary.

Necesitamos un lugar para vivir.

English translation of Necesitamos un lugar para vivir.

We need a place to live.

This phrase indicates a necessity of finding a suitable place for living.

¿Cuál es tu lugar de nacimiento?

English translation of ¿Cuál es tu lugar de nacimiento?

What is your place of birth?

This question seeks to know where the respondent was born.

Estamos buscando un nuevo lugar para la oficina.

English translation of Estamos buscando un nuevo lugar para la oficina.

We are looking for a new place for the office.

This sentence is about the search for a new location for the office.

El lugar de la boda fue hermoso.

English translation of El lugar de la boda fue hermoso.

The wedding place was beautiful.

This sentence is expressing a positive opinion about the location where the wedding took place.

Nunca olvidaré este lugar.

English translation of Nunca olvidaré este lugar.

I will never forget this place.

This sentence signifies a strong emotional connection that the speaker has for a particular location that they do not want to forget.

Lugar, el lugar donde nací es muy importante para mí.

English translation of Lugar, el lugar donde nací es muy importante para mí.

Place, the place where I was born is very important to me.

This sentence expresses the significance of one's birthplace in their life.

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