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English translation of localidad


The Spanish word 'localidad' translates to 'locality' in English. This word is often used to define a certain area or region. It can imply a geographic place like a city, town or community, or any other specific place within a larger scope. The use of 'localidad' is common in both formal and informal contexts, referring to local territorial or administrative divisions. It often helps in specifying the exact location or place to which one is referring.

Example sentences using: localidad

La localidad puede determinar muchos aspectos de la vida.

English translation of La localidad puede determinar muchos aspectos de la vida.

Location can determine many aspects of life.

This sentence means that the place where you live (referred to as 'localidad') can greatly influence different aspects of your life, including socio-economic status, access to education, and lifestyle.

Investigaremos la historia de nuestra localidad.

English translation of Investigaremos la historia de nuestra localidad.

We will investigate the history of our locality.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses his/her intended action to research or delve into the history of their town, city, or neighborhood (their 'localidad'). It shines light on the importance of understanding one's roots and cultural history.

Buscamos una localidad con un buen sistema educativo.

English translation of Buscamos una localidad con un buen sistema educativo.

We are looking for a locality with a good educational system.

The statement indicates that the speaker is in search of a place or 'localidad' having a strong educational system. It could be due to the speaker valuing education and wanting to be in a place geared towards academic excellence.

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