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llevar los dientes sucios

English translation of llevar los dientes sucios

have dirty teeth

The Spanish phrase 'llevar los dientes sucios' roughly translates to 'have dirty teeth' in English. This is a direct, literal translation. It is not a widely used expression or idiom, but you could use it to refer to someone who has not brushed their teeth and has noticeable dirt or food on them. Maintaining oral hygiene is an important global practice, and references to dirty teeth can be seen as insulting or embarrassing comments about personal hygiene.

Example sentences using: llevar los dientes sucios

Como madre, siempre le advierto a mi hijo que no debe llevar los dientes sucios.

English translation of Como madre, siempre le advierto a mi hijo que no debe llevar los dientes sucios.

As a mother, I always warn my son that he should not have dirty teeth.

In this sentence, the mother is emphasizing the importance of maintaining good dental hygiene, and using the term 'llevar los dientes sucios' (have dirty teeth) to point out the negative consequence of not brushing teeth properly.

Cuando me olvido de cepillarme, siento que llevo los dientes sucios.

English translation of Cuando me olvido de cepillarme, siento que llevo los dientes sucios.

When I forget to brush, I feel like I have dirty teeth.

In this sentence, the speaker reflects a feeling of discomfort that arises when they forget to brush their teeth. Using the term 'llevar los dientes sucios' (have dirty teeth) describes the feeling in question, which is a general feeling of having poor oral hygiene.

La profesora nos dijo que llevar los dientes sucios puede provocar caries y mal aliento.

English translation of La profesora nos dijo que llevar los dientes sucios puede provocar caries y mal aliento.

The teacher told us that having dirty teeth can cause cavities and bad breath.

In this sentence, the term 'llevar los dientes sucios' (have dirty teeth) is used to indicate a bad oral hygiene practice. The teacher is trying to emphasize the potential impact of poor dental care habits, pointing out possible outcomes like cavities and bad breath.

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