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llevar los dientes limpios

English translation of llevar los dientes limpios

have clean teeth

The Spanish phrase 'llevar los dientes limpios' translates to 'have clean teeth' in English. This phrase is a routine hygiene reminder, implying a proactive approach towards maintaining good oral health. This phrase can be used in varied contexts but primarily in habits related to personal grooming and health. The verb 'llevar' generally means 'to carry' but in this context, it is more accurately translated as 'to have'.

Example sentences using: llevar los dientes limpios

Es importante llevar los dientes limpios para evitar problemas de salud.

English translation of Es importante llevar los dientes limpios para evitar problemas de salud.

It is important to keep your teeth clean to avoid health problems.

This sentence is emphasizing the importance of dental care in maintaining overall health.

Para una buena primera impresión, deberías llevar los dientes limpios.

English translation of Para una buena primera impresión, deberías llevar los dientes limpios.

For a good first impression, you should have clean teeth.

This statement suggests that one's appearance, including their dental hygiene, can significantly impact others' initial impressions of them.

Antes de ir al dentista, siempre trato de llevar los dientes limpios.

English translation of Antes de ir al dentista, siempre trato de llevar los dientes limpios.

Before going to the dentist, I always try to have clean teeth.

This sentence conveys a person's effort to maintain proper oral hygiene prior to a dentist's appointment, possibly out of respect for the dentist's work or to receive a better report.

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