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llevar las manos sucios

English translation of llevar las manos sucios

have dirty hands

The Spanish phrase 'llevar las manos sucios' translates to 'to have dirty hands' in English. It can be used literally to refer to someone whose hands are physically dirty. It can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who is involved in something dishonest or immoral, similar to the English phrase 'to have dirty hands'.''

Example sentences using: llevar las manos sucios

Es importante no llevar las manos sucias cuando estamos cocinando.

English translation of Es importante no llevar las manos sucias cuando estamos cocinando.

It's important not to have dirty hands when we are cooking.

This is emphasizing on the importance of cleanliness, especially while handling food such as when cooking. It's considered unhygienic and unhealthy to cook with dirty hands.

Aseguró que iba a llevar las manos sucias al examen y fue expulsado.

English translation of Aseguró que iba a llevar las manos sucias al examen y fue expulsado.

He assured that he was going to take the exam with dirty hands and he was expelled.

This sentence uses a metaphor to explain a situation where a person engaged in an dishonest act (in this case, potentially cheating on an exam) and as a result they faced severe consequences, in this case, expulsion.

No deberías llevar las manos sucias en un hospital.

English translation of No deberías llevar las manos sucias en un hospital.

You should not have dirty hands in a hospital.

This sentence clarifies the importance of cleanliness in hospitals to prevent the spread of infections. Dirty hands in such an environment is highly unacceptable.

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