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llevar las manos limpios

English translation of llevar las manos limpios

Keep your hands clean

The Spanish phrase 'llevar las manos limpios' translates to 'keep your hands clean' in English. This phrase could be used in a variety of contexts, such as hygiene promotion or moral advice. Literally, it means to 'carry your hands clean', and is a good example of how idioms may not translate directly between Spanish and English, instead conveying a message or idea.

Example sentences using: llevar las manos limpios

Antes de cocinar, es esencial llevar las manos limpios.

English translation of Antes de cocinar, es esencial llevar las manos limpios.

Before cooking, it is essential to keep your hands clean.

This sentence is telling us that it's essential to keep our hands clean before cooking, an important hygiene tip for anyone preparing food.

Asegúrate de llevar las manos limpios antes de tocar la herida.

English translation of Asegúrate de llevar las manos limpios antes de tocar la herida.

Make sure to keep your hands clean before touching the wound.

This sentence is advising to ensure that your hands are clean before touching a wound, a vital step in preventing infections.

No puedes llevar las manos limpios si sigues jugando en el barro.

English translation of No puedes llevar las manos limpios si sigues jugando en el barro.

You can't keep your hands clean if you keep playing in the mud.

This sentence is indicating that it's impossible to keep hands clean if one continues to play in the mud, suggesting a person is causing a problem for themselves.

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