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llevar el pelo limpios

English translation of llevar el pelo limpios

have clean hair

The Spanish phrase 'llevar el pelo limpios' translates to 'have clean hair' in English. This term is used to imply that someone maintains good personal hygiene, specifically concerning the cleanliness of their hair. It can be used in a variety of contexts, from casual conversations to more formal discussions about personal grooming and hygiene.

Example sentences using: llevar el pelo limpios

Es importante siempre llevar el pelo limpios para mantener una buena higiene personal.

English translation of Es importante siempre llevar el pelo limpios para mantener una buena higiene personal.

It's always important to keep your hair clean to maintain good personal hygiene.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of cleanliness, specifically about maintaining clean hair, for personal hygiene.

Mi madre insiste en que debo llevar el pelo limpios antes de ir a la escuela.

English translation of Mi madre insiste en que debo llevar el pelo limpios antes de ir a la escuela.

My mother insists that I should keep my hair clean before going to school.

This sentence talks about a mother's insistence on her child maintaining clean hair before going to school. It indicates the significance of cleanliness in a school setting.

Para tener una buena primera impresion, es esencial llevar el pelo limpios.

English translation of Para tener una buena primera impresion, es esencial llevar el pelo limpios.

To make a good first impression, it's essential to keep your hair clean.

In this sentence, the importance of personal cleanliness (specifically having clean hair) for creating a positive first impression is highlighted.

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