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English translation of llenar


The Spanish word 'llenar' corresponds to the English word 'fill'. It is frequently used when referring to the act of filling a physical object like a glass, a form, or a space. For example, 'Necesito llenar este formulario' which means 'I need to fill this form'. It can also be used in a figurative sense, as in filling someone with joy or filling a requirement.

Example sentences using: llenar

Necesito llenar el depósito de gasolina.

English translation of Necesito llenar el depósito de gasolina.

I need to fill up the gas tank.

In this example, 'llenar' is used to express the idea of making something full or complete, like filling up a gas tank.

Vamos a llenar la piscina.

English translation of Vamos a llenar la piscina.

Let's fill the pool.

Here, 'llenar' conveys the concept of making something full with a substantial amount of something, like filling a pool with water.

Quiero llenar mi vaso con agua.

English translation of Quiero llenar mi vaso con agua.

I want to fill my glass with water.


Este puesto requiere llenar un formulario.

English translation of Este puesto requiere llenar un formulario.

This position requires filling out a form.

In this context, 'llenar' refers to supplying information needed in fields, or filling out a form.

Necesitamos llenar el auditorio con gente.

English translation of Necesitamos llenar el auditorio con gente.

We need to fill the auditorium with people.

In this sentence, 'llenar' is used to say making a place full or crowded with people.

Puedes llenar estos globos con helio.

English translation of Puedes llenar estos globos con helio.

You can fill these balloons with helium.

In this example, 'llenar' indicates filling something, like a balloon, with a certain substance, in this case, helium.

Necesito llenar el bol de ensalada.

English translation of Necesito llenar el bol de ensalada.

I need to fill the salad bowl.

In this context, 'llenar' indicates filling up a container (in this case, a salad bowl) with a certain amount of something.

Debemos llenar el Silo con grano.

English translation of Debemos llenar el Silo con grano.

We should fill the silo with grain.

This sentence uses 'llenar' to express the act of filling a large space or container (a silo) with a substantial quantity of something (grain).

Voy a llenar la bañera para tomar un baño.

English translation of Voy a llenar la bañera para tomar un baño.

I am going to fill the bathtub to take a bath.

Here, 'llenar' refers to the act of making a container (the bathtub) full with a substance (water), usually in preparation for something.

Si comes mucho, vas a llenar el estómago.

English translation of Si comes mucho, vas a llenar el estómago.

If you eat a lot, you will fill your stomach.

Here, 'llenar' is used to express the idea of making something full, referring to the act of eating until your stomach is full.

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