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English translation of llanura


The Spanish word 'llanura' translates to 'plain' in English. In geography, a plain refers to a broad, flat, or gently rolling area. It's typically devoid of much elevation change and is often used for farming because of the typically fertile soils. The term is used to indicate this natural feature in English-speaking countries, while 'llanura' is used in Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences using: llanura

La llanura es vasta y desolada.

English translation of La llanura es vasta y desolada.

The plain is vast and desolate.

This sentence is useful when one wishes to describe an open, probably empty or uninhabited flatland. It portrays a certain barrenness and lack of life or activity.

El antílope corrió a través de la llanura.

English translation of El antílope corrió a través de la llanura.

The antelope ran across the plain.

This phrase is handy when depicting scenes of nature or wildlife. It describes a typical scenario in which an antelope, a commonly mentioned animal in literature and nature documentaries, is seen sprinting across a flat landmass.

Las aves vuelan bajo en esta llanura.

English translation of Las aves vuelan bajo en esta llanura.

The birds fly low in this plain.

This is often used in describing scenarios in which birds are observed to fly at a relatively low altitude, especially in open flatlands. It underscores the phenomenon where birds often fly low in plains due to the lack of vertical obstructions.

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